Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Bryce Canyon / Las Vegas

The roof downspouts dumped to grade right outside my room. The noise from the rain woke me up, or maybe it was the noise from the professional carpet cleaners in the adjacent rooms …
I drove to through the Bryce National Park in the rain and sometimes pretty heavy fog. By the time I got to the end of the park it started to clear up and the temperature ‘jumped’ from 43 deg to 50 deg. I stopped at the various overlooks on the way back.
After the park visit I headed south for Las Vegas. It seemed that I drove from thunderstorm to thunderstorm, some of them pretty heavy, until I reach Vegas. Between Bryce Canon and Las Vegas the altitude dropped from 8,200 feet to 2,000 feet, and the temperature rose from 50 deg to 82 deg.
I have been to Las Vegas a few times, but never visited ‘Downtown Las Vegas’. After I checked in I drove downtown to see the ‘Fremont Street Experience’, a five block long, 90 foot high LED canopy. It was quite an experience to watch the large screen display and listen to ‘American Pie’.
Bryce Canyon:

Las Vegas:

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