Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Kalkmans & Black Canyon

I stayed with Tom, Carol and their three Schnauzers (collectively 'The Kalkmans') for the day. Carol did her volunteer work in the morning. Tom and I headed for the Black Canyon of the Gunnison, a deep granite canyon carved by the Gunnison River.

Between 1905 and 1909 the Gunnison Tunnel was built to divert water from the Gunnison to the Umcompaghre vally to provide irrigation for the Montrose area. Men gave their life for Tom to water his lawn, trees, rose bushes and vegetables.

When we got to the the bottom of the canyon Tom pulled out his fishing gear. Well, maybe more luck next time ...

Down in the Canyon we also met Tom's neighbor. He works for the local paper. He was in the canyon with a local fly fisher for a photo shoot for an article to promote local tourisms.

Carol made delicious chicken sandwiches with home grown tomatoes. After dinner we talked a little about my next destinations. Carol had same really good recommendations and I will slightly change my itinerary. They seem to be must see places. Stay tuned ...

This was a nice break during my trip: nice friends, nice house, good food, some beer. Quite an upgrade from my Super 8 hotels .... Thank you Carol and Tom.

More luck next time ... (in his defense, he only tried for 10 minures)

This Professional did not fair any better....

Tom and Carol Kalkman

Two of the other three Kalkmans

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