Thursday, September 16, 2010

Colombus, Indiana

Mi Hyun told me aboout Colombus Indiana. Lists 6th on the AIA list of architectural cities. Irwin Miller, cofounder of Cummins Industries (make diesel motors) created a fund that pays for Architect's fees if the Owner uses one of the Architects on their list. First startes for schools. Applies now for other buildings too.

I took the guided bus tour.

There are about 70 buildings in Colombus by well known Architects. The first project was the First Christian Church by Eliel Saarinen.

For more info see:

'Large Arch' by Henry Moore w/ Eliel Saarinen's First Christian Church - that's how it started

Lutheran Church by Gunnar Birkerts

North Baptist Church by Eero Saarinen

Dale Chihuly Chandelier in the Visitor's Center

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