Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Bridges of Madison County

I left the Motel in Newton, Iowa to continue on to Mt. Rushmore. I had reservation in Mitchell, South Dakota, about 360 miles away. The exiting landscape continues: roads, corn, trucks and road signes. Two signs along I-80 caught my attention: Next exit: Visitors center for "Bridges of Madison County", and there was a sign for John Waynes Birthhouse in Winterset, Iowa

As I was driving along the sky darkened a little to the north. I thought a little rain could not hurt, my windshield needs cleaning anyway. Watch what you wish for. A few miles later the sky opened up, and even at 40 mph you could not see anything. So I stopped for a while.

To break up the driving I pulled off in Sioux City, Iowa and in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. As I came closer to Mitchell, South Dakota I saw lots of signes to visit the "Corn Palace". So after I checked in, I had to check out the world's only 'Corn Palace': It is a multi purpuse venue for performaces and sports events. The claim to fame is that the exterior facade are murals made out of corn ...

I guess someone needs a fan blade

Windshield cleaning ...

Sioux City, Iowa

Sioux Falls, South Dakota

'World's only' Corn Palace

'World's only' Corn Palace

'World's only' Corn Palace

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