Sunday, September 19, 2010

Chicago 2

I parked in Oak Park again and took the train to downtown Chicago. The only fix item on the agenda was the archtectural boat tour from the Chicago Architecture Foundation. The boat left near the Wringley Building.

We had a really good tour guide. She loved Chicago, and it showed. She was very knowledgable about the archtectural development of Chicago. She talked for almost 2 hrs straight without notes and detailed knowledge of Chicago's architecture.

I thought that after the tour I would follow Frommers's Walking Tour 2 and 3, but decided to just stroll through Chicage and enjoy the sights and sounds. It turned out pretty well.

First I walked down Michigan Avenue (= Chicago's 5th Avenue) to the Hancock tower. It got a little chilly, and despite a trunk full of clothes, I had to buy a sweater ...

Then I made my way back to the Millenium Park, and just as I walked into the park the Chicago Youth Orchestra started playing Mozart's 'Eine kleine Nachtmusik', and then it got even better. As a walked a little further I came to the Jay Pritzker Pavillion: an outdoor orchestra venue designed by Frank Gehry. The Chicago Orchestra was rehearing for tonights free concert, conducted by Riccardo Muti. This was Muti's inaugural concert with the orchestra as their new music director.

It was about 3:00 pm, the concert would not start until 5:30. So I thought I'll use the time to go up to the observation deck on the Willis (Sears) Tower. On the 103rd floor they added about 4 ft deep all glass bay windows with glass floors. You can walk out on the floor, look down 103 stories and get sick ....

When I made it back to the concert venue the place was absolutly packed, you could not even get close to the concert venue. At least you could hear the music in the park ....

Wringley Building

Wringley Building

Hard Rock Hotel

View from Michigan Ave to Wringley Bldg

'Eine Kleine Nachtmusik'

Pritzka Shell by Fank Gehry

 Chicago Orchestra rehearsal w/ Riccardo Muti

 Jay Pritzka Orchestra Shell by Frank Gehry

Jay Pritzka Orchestra Shell by Frank Gehry

 Fun sculpture in Millenium Park

 Where is Waldo .... ?

 View over Chicago from Willis (Sears) Tower

View over Chicago from Willis (Sears) Tower

Glass bay window on 103rd floor of Willis (Sears) Tower

1 comment:

  1. At last, Werner is in a picture- of course its only his big toe !! and did we see him in the middle of the "Bean" reflection? Very flatering!
