Thursday, September 23, 2010

Bighorn Canyon

My biggest problem on this trip is to be on time for breakfast. I was late again this morning and they had to drag out some Danish for me.

Keystone, the town next to Mount Rushmore, is about 5,000 ft (1,500 m) high. This morning it was gloomy, raining and cold (mid 40s). No clearing in sight. So I was glad that I could see Mt. Rushmore yesterday in bright sunshine.

So I hit the road as usual under rain. When I crossed into Wyoming the sky cleared and it turned into a bright and sunny day.

I was heading for Yellowstone, but I wanted to see Bighorn Canyon on the way. So I left I-90 to get onto Highway 14 through Bighorn Forest. I had no idea what to expect, but I got a nice treat. I'm not poetic enough to describe it, maybe the picture might give you some idea.

After the first few curves in the road I saw a white Corvette on the other side of the road. The passenger door was open, and a women stood next to the car. She was bent over, the face almost hitting the ground. I guess the road was to curvy for her ...

This winding and scenic drive continued for about 50 miles, all the way up to elevation 9,500 ft (2,900 m). What goes up, must come down. On the way down I saw lots of signs like "Pull over to cool the breaks" or "Emergency ramp for runaway trucks" (side  ramp made of gravel and sand to stop out of control trucks).

The side trip to Bighorn Canyon was worth it. Let the pictures speak for themselves ...

Bighorn Forest:

Bighorn Canyon:

Fortunately there was a sign "End of road"


  1. It was good to talk to you - I finally logged onto the blog and got caught up. What a terrific adventure. I am looking forward to the updates so I can live vicariously thru you

  2. Hi Waldo both begin w/"W" Coincidence- I think not) If you are not a poet in words- your photos certainly are...on accomodations- no internet- but a bar!hey you know what I would settle for...thanks for making the hair rising trip up the Big Horn for us less safe kiddo G,
