Monday, September 27, 2010

Arches National Park

I left Salt Lake City without actually seeing the Salt Lake and headed southeast to Arches National Park: I-15 South to Rt. 50 and you pick up I-70 near Selina. Once you get on Rt 50 it seems like you drive into a picture  book, the most beautiful landscape. When you get on I-70 they warn you: "No Services for the next 100 miles": no reststops, no gas, no cell phone service, just  a scenic drive. I think in the 100 miles there were about 4 turn-offs with scenic views and bathrooms, that's it. No town in sight.

Before I checked in the hotel in Green River along I-70 I continued on to Arches National Park: the next treat for the senses.

The best known arch is the 'Delicate Arch'. It is pretty much a symbol for Utah. It is even on the license plate.

There is one dead-end road into the park. I thought the 'Delicate Arch' would be off the road, similar to the sites in Yellowstone. Wrong again. There are two trails leading to the arch. One short trail, 0.5 miles (0.8 km) long with a vertial rise of 200 feet (61 m). Lets try the short one first. It was easier to go down than up, but overall not too bad.

So I drove back to the longer trail: 1.5 miles (2.4 km) with a vertial rise of 485 feet (150 m): only three times the shorter trail. I should be able to handle this. Well it seemed like the longest mile at 93 degrees and no shadow. I did consider a few times to turn around: let's go until the next turn, and instead of the arch a steeper section showed up.

About midway on top of a steep section of rock a man, maybe a doctor, was walking down, with a camera and a tripod on his shoulder. He looked at me and asked me twice: "Should I check you pulse?" I know I'm out of shape, but was it that obvious? Beside everybody walking up was huffing and puffing....

But I hung in and made it all the way up. Once you turn the corner and the arch is in front of you, it's all worth it. Walking down was a piece of cake.

Arches National Park is really gorgeous. I would highly recommend it, except maybe for Structural Engineers. They might find some of the 'exhibits' not structurally sound and might shut down the park ....

I-70 in Utah:

Arches National Park

Delicate Arch

It is steeper than it looks, trust me ...

I left a few stone behind to find the way back

1 comment:

  1. W, Arches N P Wow!!! photos fabulous..Joan and I are both enjoying this trip w/ you - thanks old buddy- Old hey you made it UP that trail..we could not, so again thanks for doing it for us.. G & J
